Wednesday 16 January 2019

【怡保好地方】三宝洞 IPOH Attraction: Sam Poh Tong

Sam Poh Tong is located at Gunung Rapat, around 5km form south of Ipoh. It was discovered in 1912, known as a Chinese Buddhist Temple within a natural limestone hill. There are a pavilion in front of the temple and a landscaped garden with a fish pond, which was awarded "The Best Landscape Garden" in Malaysia 1993. There is also a 246-steps staircase which will lead visitors to an open space with excellent view of Ipoh.
*Around 11mins from Yens' Home
三宝洞 位于距离怡保南区约5公里的Gunung Rapat。它于1912年被发现,被称为天然石灰岩山中的佛教寺庙。寺庙前有一个亭子和一个带鱼塘的园景花园,1993年被授予马来西亚“最佳景观花园”。还有一个246级的楼梯,将引导游客进入一个景色优美的开放空间,可以欣赏整个怡保美景。

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