Saturday 23 February 2019

【怡保好地方】打们心意藏寺 Ipoh Attraction:The Enlightened Heart Tibetan Temple

Ipoh Attraction 怡保好地方!

The Enlightened Heart Tibetan Temple was started in 1976 on a small piece of land about 500 metres remote from the road. In 1979 the present Master moved in and expansion began. It is now a major complex on 12 acres of land, with a 13-story pagoda which was built between 1996 and 2009. The largest Buddhist statue in Ipoh stand grand on the greenish limestone hills.
Enlightened Heart Buddhist Temple, also known as Jingang Jing She by the locals is surrounded by magnificent perimeters of luscious valleys, orchards and limestone hills. More than 200 statues displayed in the temple was a sight to behold. The amalgam of influences rendered the decorations, statues, deities and paintings slightly different from the common Buddhist or Taoist temples.
*12mins from Yens' Home

打们心意藏寺始于1976年,位于距离道路约500米的一小块土地上。 1979年,现任大师入职并开始扩建。它现在是12英亩土地上的一个主要建筑群,有一座13层的宝塔,建于1996年至2009年之间。怡保最大的佛像位于绿色的石灰岩山丘上。

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